Thursday, December 28, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Brennon at his High School Winter Camp Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 27, 2006

Birthday #3 -- September 28

Kaelyn celebrates her 13th B-day with friends Posted by Picasa

Two of Kaelyn's good friends, Julia & Sarah Posted by Picasa

Kaelyn celebrates number 13 Posted by Picasa

Birthday # 2 -- September 25

Brennon celebrates number 15 Posted by Picasa

Brennon making milkshakes for everyone on his 15th B-day Posted by Picasa

Brennon with his new punching bag Posted by Picasa

Birthday #1 -- August 19

Braden celebrates number 11 with friends Posted by Picasa

Braden's Jr. High Pastors, Shane & Heather Rogers, helped out with his "pirate party!" Posted by Picasa

Braden's 11th B-Day Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 22, 2006

Back to School...

2006 Back to School: Kaelyn & Braden are headed back to school, while Brennon is taking the year to...well you'll have to ask him! Posted by Picasa

2006 Back to School: Kaelyn starting 8th grade Posted by Picasa

2006 Back to School: Braden starting 6th grade Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

2006 Summer Vacation

Our family is now officially "outdoorsy!" We camped and traveled through five states (Washington, Idaho [twice], Montana, Wyoming and Oregon) and enjoyed our tent, fishing, buffalo sighting, lightening, rain, wind, LOTS of sun, swimming, river rafting, kayaking, wake boarding and innertubing, bloody noses, mosquitoes, ants and biting flies, barbecues, camp fires, smores, aerobee throwing, and spending many special hours with family and friends. Our vacation was truly an adventure. Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: camping at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: the boys at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: our beautiful camp chef Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Brennon with the catch of the week Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Braden with the big haul Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn fishing at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: the hard way Posted by Picasa