Tuesday, August 22, 2006

2006 Summer Vacation

Our family is now officially "outdoorsy!" We camped and traveled through five states (Washington, Idaho [twice], Montana, Wyoming and Oregon) and enjoyed our tent, fishing, buffalo sighting, lightening, rain, wind, LOTS of sun, swimming, river rafting, kayaking, wake boarding and innertubing, bloody noses, mosquitoes, ants and biting flies, barbecues, camp fires, smores, aerobee throwing, and spending many special hours with family and friends. Our vacation was truly an adventure. Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: camping at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: the boys at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: our beautiful camp chef Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Brennon with the catch of the week Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Braden with the big haul Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn fishing at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: David...fishing the hard way Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: the brothers at Moses Lake Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: we had a fantastic time at beautiful Moses Lake, Washington Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: we had tons of fun on Andrew and Keri's boat...here shown with Brennon on board at Bear Lake, Idaho Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn...a self-portrait Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Braden at Bear Lake

Vacation 2006: Brennon at Massacre Rocks, Idaho

Vacation 2006: the cousins had a great time together in Idaho Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: the Howards and the Mossholders with Popeo and Grandma Nelson in Montpelier, Idaho Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Braden, mid-air after leaping from the 10 meter platform at Lava Hot Springs, Idaho

Vacation 2006: Brennon taking the plunge from 10 meters

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn and Braden getting ready for a hard landing!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Vacation 2006: Jackson Lake and the Tetons Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn at Tower Falls in Yellowstone National Park

Vacation 2006: ghetto mom and her boys in Yellowstone

Vacation 2006: Old Faithful Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: the kids at Old Faithful Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn flagging on the American Falls Reservoir Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Braden on the Snake River

Vacation 2006: Brennon wake boarding on Bear Lake...and yes, the water really was aqua blue!

Vacation 2006: Brennon wake boarding on the Snake River Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: Kaelyn wake boarding on the Snake River Posted by Picasa

Vacation 2006: everyone on the boat! Posted by Picasa