Monday, November 27, 2006

Birthday #3 -- September 28

Kaelyn celebrates her 13th B-day with friends Posted by Picasa

Two of Kaelyn's good friends, Julia & Sarah Posted by Picasa

Kaelyn celebrates number 13 Posted by Picasa

Birthday # 2 -- September 25

Brennon celebrates number 15 Posted by Picasa

Brennon making milkshakes for everyone on his 15th B-day Posted by Picasa

Brennon with his new punching bag Posted by Picasa

Birthday #1 -- August 19

Braden celebrates number 11 with friends Posted by Picasa

Braden's Jr. High Pastors, Shane & Heather Rogers, helped out with his "pirate party!" Posted by Picasa

Braden's 11th B-Day Posted by Picasa