Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kelly's Birthday

Birthday dinner at Benihana's...Kelly's favorite!
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The birthday kiss...
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Happy birthday, Kelly!
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Christmas Trip...

From the snow to the sun...we left on Christmas day to spend time with Kelly's folks in So Cal, then attend the Foursquare NextGen Summit in Anaheim over New Years.
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The boys peddling around the park.
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Kaelyn and Popeo cruising at Balboa Park.
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Hanging with Grandma in So Cal.
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Kaelyn in So Cal.
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Brennon in So Cal.
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Christmas 2007

Trimming the tree on Christmas Eve.
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Santa's getting ready.
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The infamous bear attack of Christmas got Chris first!
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The bear gets Brennon.
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Ready for Christmas.
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Good morning, Christmas!
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Our little techie gets hooked up.
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The Christmas girl.
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Brennon's favorite gift...the one that keeps on giving...50 a night!
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