Friday, October 31, 2008

Brennon's Broken Hand

Brennon was tackled after completing a pass in last night's game against South Salem...and on the way down his hand was kicked accidently. He'll be in some kind of splint for the next several weeks.
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Brennon's spiral fracture is in his fifth metacarpal. You can see it just above and to the left of the "R".
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Saturday, October 25, 2008


The Clackamas River. Below are several autumn photos from near our home.
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Portland Foursquare Church
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Friday, October 24, 2008


After a first-down gaining run, Brennon got upended...but he held on to the ball!
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Brennon in the JV Clackamas win over Putnam
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Prettiest football mom!
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Grandma Mossholder celebrating her birthday with her grandkids!
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Braden with Grandma Mossholder
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Friday, October 17, 2008

Brennon with Grandma Mossholder
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Brennon throws a completion
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Brennon running in for a touchdown
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Brennon...singing the Cavalier's "fight song" after winning a game
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Kaelyn's 15th Birthday

Kaelyn's 15th Bday...surprise visit from Julia & Sarah!
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Kaelyn's 15th Bday...lunch with family & friends
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Kaelyn's 15th Bday...with the Gomez's
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Kaelyn's 15th Bday...with Sarah & Anna
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Kaelyn's 15th Bday
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Brennon's 17th Birthday

Brennon's 17th Bday
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Brennon's 17th Bday
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Brennon's 17th Bday
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